Chapter 7: My Armour: Mon Amour!
Stop Picking Your Nose-The Book | Saba Khan
We are not born with an exoskeleton, but we can get one by practicing
the right skills. A tough fight will always result a chink in the armour, but it
can be handled. We need an exoskeleton in the form of an armour, to survive the
harsh conditions, through which we have to go through. You must always be
correctly skilled, prepared. One may never know when the time comes. But when
the time comes, with the right opportunity, we must not lack.
The building of armour requires courage, applied knowledge,
skills, learning, kindness and a reputation of being true to words, honoring
commitments. This skill set needs practice. You will have to train your mind to
act in emergency and during routine scenarios, just as a warrior gets trained
in warfare. All of us have a warrior within us, which we have inherited from
our forefathers, but most of us have put it to sleep. Wake it up to face the
world. Let the tiger roar! Mon Amour
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