Chapter 6: Be A Hero!

Stop Picking Your Nose-The Book | Saba Khan

The concept of heroism is as important as it is of survival. It’s in our nature to follow the alpha of our domain. We need alphas to be like, to do like. Our hero is our savior. We look up to it. Without heroes, we can’t  set examples for our kids. Who will they follow? Us or the cartoons, they are busy watching all day?

Why can’t  we be our own heroes? The formula is simple but challenging. In today’s  world, where everyone is concerned about themselves only, such selfless people are considered insane, foolish. We need heroes for ourselves, but we deny to be one for others. That’s the dilemma. We expect selfless acts of kindness from others, but we fail to set an example ourselves. But someone has to take the plunge. People will follow. Prophets were shepherds by design of the Almighty. He knew that they will have to lead the herd. That’s  called ‘herd mentality’, do what others have been doing, without giving it a second thought, about the nature of one’s truth.

Heroism, although challenging, does not need a battle field for it’s execution. Be the hero of your class, of your work place, of your street. So that your presence is enough to stop the unjust. Believe me, no one dies before death. By speaking out righteously, respectfully we re affirm our belief in humanity. Understanding what people do and why they do it, is not a justification for their meanness.

When the cat eats the mouse, the mouse has nothing to complain, as that’s  the way it is. Then stop being a mouse and become a hero of your own muse. A hero has the power of courage, a ruler has the power of tyranny. The line is very thin. Look where you stand!

Image courtesy: Pixaby


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